My Recipebook on the net

Recipe created by: SOFTWAREJAG.COM
Recipe created: 04/14/2013
Origin country:
Recipe name:0000000040

- 4 large Russet potatoes, peeled and cut into thin or thick fries depending on your preference - 4 hot dog sausages, cut in half or whole, with crosswise cuts on the ends - Canola oil for frying - Salt to taste Serve with: salsa rosada del soda (recipe below), curtido de cebolla y tomate and some spicy hot sauce or aji. Salsa rosada del Soda (for about 2 ½ cups of sauce) - 1 egg - 2 tbs diced white onion - 4 tbs lime juice - ¾ cup to 1 cup sunflower oil - 1 tbs milk - 8 roma tomatoes, peeled, seeded and diced Salt to taste - Optional (and only if you dare to mess with the pursuit of figuring out how to make the real salsa del Soda) – 1 or 2 red chili peppers, seeded Yields / Serves:
Preparation time (min):

Approximate cost:
Recommended drink:


Paso #1 The fries and sausages were cooked right in front of you and then served stuffed in plastic cups with a toothpick on top. While there were a lot of places to get salchipapas in Loja, the Soda Bar was the most popular because of the amazing sauce that was drizzled on top of the fries, it was good that everyone always ordered double sauce and once the fries and sausages were all gone you lifted up the cup and drank every single sip of that sauce.
Paso #2 Salsa rosada del Soda ================= Prepare a basic mayonnaise by blending the egg, diced onion, and lime juice until the onions are completely crushed.
Paso #3 Continue blending and add the oil slowly until the mayonnaise begins to thicken, but don’t let it get as thick as you would if making regular mayonnaise, the consistency should be almost like a sauce. Add salt to taste and the milk, which is added to mayonnaise to help it keep a white color.
Paso #4 Remove the mayonnaise, you don’t need to remove it all, just most of it, and add the diced tomatoes (and hot peppers if you dare) to the blender. Blend the tomatoes until well pureed, begin adding back the mayonnaise and blend well, the sauce should be very liquid. Taste and add salt if needed. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
Paso #5 Salchipapas ========= Soak the potatoes in cold water for at least 30 minutes.
Paso #6 Drain and dry the potatoes, meanwhile heat the canola oil to 325 F in a deep fryer or deep sauté pan.
Paso #7 Add the potatoes and cook until they are tender, but don’t let them get any color, about 10 minutes depending on their thickness. Remove the fries and place them on top of paper towels to drain the grease and let them cool down for at least an hour.
Paso #8 Re-heat the oil to 375 F and add the fries, cook until they are golden and crispy, about 5 minutes. Fry the sausages separately or add them during the last 3 minutes of cooking of the French fries.
Paso #9 Transfer to paper towels to drain the grease and serve immediately with the salsa rosada and curtido.